Sunday 22 July 2007

Hull is ch-ch-changing

Picked up some London mates at the railway station this weekend, and found that Paragon has been turned into a giant orange future-speak billboard. Hull is changing. Not like the incredible Hulk changing, although we did see some station fixtures (where did they hang out while the Paragon police station was out of operation?) who did appear to be evolving through a hazy cider in front of our eyes). This is all about the new St Stephen's development, which aims to make Hull a top 10 city by building an H & M and, unconvincingly, a giant surfboard/wave feature. Throughout the city, there are signs that others are following in this new evolutionary zeal. Take this landlord for example. Marketing luxury flats on Spring Bank. These flats should be condemned, not spouted off as a new high in modern city living. Look. There's no windows and structural support. And pigeons in roof. Seems bizarre that beautiful buildings in the old town are being bulldozed while these are the new flava. The dichotomy of Hull, perhaps?

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